Managing Type 1 Diabetes is complicated, time-consuming, and costly! Previously, to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), individuals with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM) had to prove they spend at least 14 hours per week on activities related to administering insulin. As of June 24, this requirement was finally removed! Many people who previously didn’t qualify will now be able to get this tax credit. If you have friends or family with T1DM, please pass along this information to them.
This is a non-refundable tax credit. You won’t be credited for incomes taxes that you haven’t paid, but you may get back a significant amount of the income taxes you’ve already paid, as it reduces the amount owing. Note also that this will be retroactive for the 2021 tax year.
Visit Revenue Canada’s website for information about the DTC. Individuals with T1DM quality under the category of “life-sustaining therapy”. It is still necessary to complete form T2201. The digital form will be updated this summer. In the meantime, plan to complete the PAPER form. The applicant completes Part A and the medical practitioner completes Part B. More detailed instructions on how to apply are available on Revenue Canada’s site.