As of Feb. 25, 2022, we now have provincially funded rapid antigen test (RAT) kits available for the public. For now, these kits are only for individuals who are 70 years and over. However, the age limit will be lowered as more test kits become available. Each B.C. resident who meets the criteria is allowed a maximum of one kit per 28 days. The kits cannot be purchased and are not available to out-of-province residents.
Each kit includes 5 tests. They are intended for individuals who are asymptomatic, but later become symptomatic and need to test at home. We will provide printed instructions on how to use the tests and the instructions are also available online. The BC Centre for Disease Control website has additional information about rapid antigen testing, including videos on how to perform a nasal swab and how to use the tests, help for interpreting the results, and how to report your results, if positive.
If you test positive and are fully vaccinated or under 18 years of age, self-isolate for at least 5 days from the first day you had symptoms and avoid visits to higher risk settings for further 5 days. If you are not fully vaccinated and are 18 years of age or older, self-isolate for at least 10 days from the first day you had symptoms.