Get on the Registry

BC Dr. Registry

Finding a family doctor in the Comox Valley is no easy task, made more difficult recently with the departure of Dr. Nataros and Dr. Fox. If you are one of the 13,500 patients without a family doctor, what can you do?
According to an article in the Comox Valley Record, the B.C. Ministry of Health is working with the Comox Valley Primary Care Network to address the physician shortage, but it has been acknowledged that simply recruiting additional family doctors and nurse practitioners will not be enough to rectify the situation.

What they do recommend is that individuals without a family doctor get registered in the Health Connect Registry, Comox Valley. You can follow this link to get yourself registered or call 8-1-1 if it is not possible to register by computer. Individuals will be contacted in order of registration when a primary care practitioner is available. Priority will be given to individuals with significant health concerns.

In the meantime, please visit one of the two local walk-in clinics to see a doctor, or for urgent (but not emergency) needs, make an appointment with the After-Hours Urgent Care Clinic. The First Nations Doctor of the Day program is another option for Indigenous members of our community. Refer to the Pathways Medical Care Directory online for information about these options. For critical or life-threatening conditions, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room.

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